Simply awesome! Martin Weberschock and Co. starring in F3B epic directed by Michael Kupczyk.
Simply awesome! Martin Weberschock and Co. starring in F3B epic directed by Michael Kupczyk. F3B WorldCup 2013 is gone, but maybe there is time to think about next season. First contest of F3B WorldCup 2014 is Speedfest in Florida; Gator 2014. Official website, RCGroups thread and my reports from Gator 2012 and Gator 2013. You are welcome. Invitation letter (PDF) and Gator2014 entry form (PDF) […] Updated Oct.15 I was waiting for this moment. If you think that stabilizers (aka gyros) should be banned for F3B/F3J/F3F I guess with high level of certainty you can fall asleep relaxed. Update! Take care, there is mail running to your NAC FAI CIAM Delegate from RCS Sub-committee chairman. Contact your delegate and validate what […] Weather (always) could be better. Nearly everywhere in Central Europe was nice Indian summer only in Munchen area heavy low clouds, bad visibility and occasional slight rain. But it’s autumn isn’t it? At the beginning of week I crashed both my models; prototype Stinger (flying whole season) and original two years old Stinger. Wednesday […] Weather forecast was correct (see bellow)-nearly F3B paradise. Reasonable temperature (“only” 28°C/82°F) and wind 5m/s (SE) just about 45° to line. Already a few weeks before contest we agreed cooperation with Badesalz team. Nice and efficient work with Martin Weberschock, Helmut Edenhofer, Frank Thomas and Michael Mohr. Thank you boys. In total we were flying […] Starting Monday you can watch on-line video from F3B Worlds 2013 in Germany, including lovely comments from Martin Webershock. Every morning I just listen Martin instead of TV News (smile). It’s real thriller! For sure there are also running results (thanks to Christian Muller). Good job by organizers. I could just carbon copy my report from Kulmbach 2012 (incl. F3B FAI rules minutes). No wind and deadly hot. There was anyhow one pleasant change. US and Australian F3B teams came for F3B Worlds early enough to become acclimatized for European conditions. I was pleased to meet all that nice guys after nearly two […] |
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