1.32 F3B parties

Last three F3B WorlCup contest were quite windy. We were using mostly 1.32 MegaLine. I have in mind Nardt (GER), Jesenik (CZE) and Athisnes (BEL). It’s always pleasant if you don’t have to care too much about your launch setup because you have good altitude anyhow. BTW in Athisnes we were using also 1.5ML (thanks […]

Bad weather (F3B Kirchheim and F3B Arnhem)

Looks as at last two F3B WorldCup contests we had weather bad luck. In Kirchheim we were flying only two rounds at Saturday. Sunday was canceled (low clouds, strong rain). Situation in F3B Arnhem was even worse. Not even one completed round. Boring situation for everybody. Don’t worry next time will be better (smile).

Results […]

Panier sucre (F3B Colmar 2014)

F3B Colmar is first FAI WC/Eurotour F3B European contest in season 2014. I will start from the end-price giving. On many contest you can obtain very original prices. Somewhere you will get coffee cup, somewhere you can win bottle of good wine, at Gator you can win gator head and at Colmar everybody got lovely […]

FAI CIAM Plenary is close

Already at April 11 there is starting FAI CIAM plenary meeting in Lausanne. In agenda (PDF) there are many rule change proposal, but I will try to focus on F3B/J/F and „gyro“ use. Text starts at page 35 onwards.

You will find that changes regarding „gyro“ are proposed only for F3F and F3J. We know […]


Mmmm, looks as F3B WorldCup starts within few days at Florida, USA. Just leaving home to Prague airport and heading West. I’m convinced this year F3B Gator will be again very interesting contest. Just look at starting list.

If there is connectivity, time and enough energy I will try to report briefly from this year […]

FAI CIAM in 2014

Bellow you will find copy of document sent by FAI CIAM President Antonis Papadopoulos. There are for me interesting following subjects:

Establishment of EDWG (Electronic Devices Working Group). December 2013 CIAM Bureau rejected stabilisers (gyros) for use in RC soaring disciplines. Will be solved by rules modifications. Establishment of UAV working group .

Original text […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!