No wind

Weather forecast for this year F3B Kulmbach aka Plassenburg Pokal was warning us early enough. No wind and high temperatures.


F3B Hard Core

Premature corn harvesting…

CRPAL airfield is located close to very nice small picturesque city Anthisnes. Approaching target area I was surprised by very ragged and hilly surroundings. From Prague it’s about 9 hours of driving over Germany and we started already morning; good idea. Let’s go point by point.


F3B Nardt 2012

This weekend we were flying 5-th F3B Sonnenwendpokal at Nardt airfield. It was also international German F3B Championship. There will be next F3B World’s 2013 location. It’s about 70km NE from Dresden. Nardt surroundings is absolutely flat area ideal for F3B flying.


Lead Acid 510A (EN) forever?

Lead acid battery for powering F3B winch is very important part of whole launching system; winch-battery-line. F3B rules have exact specification which battery can be used: Launching

d) The power source shall be a 12 volt lead/acid battery. The cold cranking capability of the winch battery must be specified according to one of the […]

Battle of Arnhem

Weather forecast for this year F3B Arnhem was correct. It was really cold and cloudy. Saturday we experienced rain for a few hours.



The only natural phenomenon which I was missing during this weekend at F3B Kirchheim was – earthquake. We experienced everything else i.e. sunshine, black sky, no wind, storm, thunder storm, wind turn by 180° every 30 minutes, deadly sinks, deadly thermals, hail storm, rainbow. Well, I didn’t mention tsunami, but fortunately airfield at Hulben is […]

Winchline charging batteries

F3B rules says in paragraph Launching, figure f) The battery must not be charged on the launching line. The motor must not be cooled, and the battery must not be heated.

At F3B Kirchheim I had interesting talk to Michael Wohlfahrt and Thomas Shorb. I was claiming that they are charging batteries on winch […]