This weekend we were flying 5-th F3B Sonnenwendpokal at Nardt airfield. It was also international German F3B Championship. There will be next F3B World’s 2013 location. It’s about 70km NE from Dresden. Nardt surroundings is absolutely flat area ideal for F3B flying.
About contest itself, you will find very soon some report on For those of you, which have no chance to be there every year I offer just some basic info.
- GPS location from Google Maps.
- Western wind is dominant, but I experienced here very often pure 90deg side winds, be ready (smile)
- There can be rotor and sink behind forest border (see picture) when there is strong southern wind, especially at low distance task pass
- As one would expect Nardt and Hoyerswerda are good sources of thermals, especially at late afternoon
- Half-entrenched old barrels (red/white stripes) are used as mark points on runway, be careful especially on distance landing, collision hurts
- At pilots briefing there was claim of Austrian pilots that Ralf Decker circus (display) can be boring obstacle at last phase of distance (mainly) at base A. Especially for pilots at southern (farther) winch line position can be big issue. I have to agree with that. I remember horror seconds from WC in Switzerland (Emmen-Luzern) when making last pass or low-height turn on A. Moving display more out of A base axis (or opposite side) would help, but under Ralf’s statement cables are not long enough…
- Anyhow next time I would recommend to have A base axis maybe more center on winch-line area. We were unnecessarily very close to east winch-line, but fortunately this direction was used seldom and Sunday was closed
- Reinhard Dylla, Thomas Dylla (winchline/2), Andreas Herrig (winchline/2) and all cooperating friendly people made nice F3B competition, thanks!
- Organizers are searching helpers as buzzermans for next year WC. I would strongly focus on theirs precision.
- Nardt is not far away from Prague, come for few beers, you are welcome