Roman Vojtěch | May 18, 2011 | F3B |  - (Closed) | WC F3B 2011 Contest site position confirmed. You can download my GPS track (KMZ) and watch it in Google Earth. Starting XinBai Hotel going to contest site (circle around trapezoid) and continue to Xueye Lake Chinese International Aerosports Fiesta (CIAF) location. Perhaps there will be address to send all shipments which will not go personaly with you (will […]
Roman Vojtěch | May 15, 2011 | F3B |  - (Closed) | WC F3B 2011 My China visit results
Contest basics
I’m withdrawing my CD position resignation. After Laiwu and ASFC (Aero Sports Federation of China) visit at Beijing, talking to Lei Wang (CIAM/FAI China delegete) and LuXin Zhang (ASFC Vice Director) I’m convinced this F3B World Championship in China will be successful event. We go flat; after rejecting contest […]
Roman Vojtěch | May 11, 2011 | F3B | Closed | WC F3B 2011 Early Good Morning from Xueye Lake Hotel. I have total Jetlag. Getting up everyday at 3:00 AM. I can’t sleep. Excellent Chinese tea (mostly green one) keeps me on legs during days.
Yesterday we spent whole day solving contest site location. I rejected original place and I was offered alternative one. Running around with my […]
Roman Vojtěch | April 18, 2011 | F3B |  - (Closed) | WC F3B 2011 Starting 9-th to 14-th May I should be personally in China to consult all details, visit contest site etc. After this visit I will definitely confirm/deny my CD position at this year F3B World Championship.
Roman Vojtěch | April 2, 2011 | F3B | Closed | WC F3B 2011 Please, so far I was able to find following resources about comming F3B WorldChapionship. If you could route me to other F3B national team websites or other resources, will be appreciated (maybe not only by me).
F3B France website F3B France discussion forum F3B USA website
Roman Vojtěch | March 31, 2011 | F3B | Closed | WC F3B 2011 Looks like is finally living incl. pictures from hotel and discussion forum. FAI airfield can be used for teams training up to 19.9., after that day there will be agreed time windows for other F3B activities at FAI airfield. A bit detailed schedule proposal 20.-21.9. official pre-race (no fee requested) 22.9. break day […]
Roman Vojtěch | March 16, 2011 | F3B | Closed | WC F3B 2011 F3B World Championship contest site position definitely fixed. Google Maps, Google Earth or GPS 36.471867,117.555814 (green arrow equal. winchline) 35MHz Band rejected; used by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture Ambulance full time at contest site
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