F3B WC Update #15

Since beginning I had idea how to make your F3B racing in China maybe a bit easier. I agreed with two famous winch line providers Mr. H.B.Einck and Mr. T.Yiobe special conditions for line delivery.

You can select from German or Japanese lines, both are excellent. Contact either H.B.Einck-Emcvega (www.emcvega.de or hb@emc-vega.de) or Tatsuya Yiobe […]

F3B WC Update #14

Contest site position confirmed. You can download my GPS track (KMZ) and watch it in Google Earth. Starting XinBai Hotel going to contest site (circle around trapezoid) and continue to Xueye Lake Chinese International Aerosports Fiesta (CIAF) location. Perhaps there will be address to send all shipments which will not go personaly with you (will […]

F3B WC Update #13

My China visit results

Contest basics

I’m withdrawing my CD position resignation. After Laiwu and ASFC (Aero Sports Federation of China) visit at Beijing, talking to Lei Wang (CIAM/FAI China delegete) and LuXin Zhang (ASFC Vice Director) I’m convinced this F3B World Championship in China will be successful event. We go flat; after rejecting contest […]

F3B WC Update #11

Early Good Morning from Xueye Lake Hotel. I have total Jetlag. Getting up everyday at 3:00 AM. I can’t sleep. Excellent Chinese tea (mostly green one) keeps me on legs during days.

Yesterday we spent whole day solving contest site location. I rejected original place and I was offered alternative one. Running around with my […]

F3B WC Update #10

Good morning. Prague-Frankfurt-Beijing-Jinan-Laiwu. After nearly 36hours of travelling finally after midnight at Xinbai Grand Hotel in Laiwu. Fog and heavy rain. Today meeting with Yiwen, Lu and going to contest site.


F3B WC Update #9

Starting 9-th to 14-th May I should be personally in China to consult all details, visit contest site etc. After this visit I will definitely confirm/deny my CD position at this year F3B World Championship.

Uuuuu….I’m flying (updated April 26, 2011)

…was one of many lovely Acoupack Band songs at Saturday’s social event at F3B Kirchheim Open 2011.

Three days of really top flying F3B experience. I’d like say thanks to Hans-Peter Goelz, Michael Seyfang and Ueli Trautwein for really nice competition. Sure they had support from all other club members and theirs wives, friends etc. […]