Be smart

Last year at F3B World’s my friend made picture of Japanese guy using small greaser tank to oil line. I found this idea as very clever and used it in my own way. I found following pros in this way to grease line:

ecologic+economic clean (I hate all that sprayed siliconized stuff+staff, silicon everywhere) […]

12mm flaps on your start? Are you sure?

Today with our composite toys we have many tools how to set up proper deflections on all controllable surfaces (flaps, ailerons, elevator, rudder etc.). We play with speed polars at computers with sophisticated simulation software, we cope with secret setups from top pilots etc. We play with millimeters, on elevator perhaps with tenths of millimeters.


LOLO5 under test

Thanks to my good friends I had chance to measure my LOLO5 logger in calibrated pressure chamber. We were “flying” more than 60 minutes up to 4000meters ( more than 13.000 ft). Although LOLO5 was designed for RC model users i.e. approx. up to 1000meters (3.300 ft), error in 4000meters was 6,4% (254m/833ft). Bellow you […]


Today I fly my Tanga ( in following configuration:

LOLO5; records altitude, voltage, flap servo (JR/Graupner Nr.6) SPELO5; records speed (IAS-Prandtl probe), voltage, elevator servo (JR/Graupner Nr.3) TENZO; records line tension JETI Duplex R6 Receiver (2,4GHz)

All three devices are time synchronized, some data are seen on-line on my transmitter via JETI Duplex downlink. […]

F3B Kirchheim Open 2010

Nice competition accompanied by nice weather and controlled by experienced team lead by H.P.Goelz, M.Seyfang and U.Trautwein. Very pleasant airfield background, incl. water, showers, cakes etc.


F3X Stopwatches for Android

Vitaliy Ryumshin started Android F3X (F3B, F3J and F3K) stopwatches project. It’s perhaps partly port of well-known PalmOS stopwatches from Francesco Pantano. Just look at and support this project at least by comments. You can download app also from Android Market.

Transreflexive display for Jeti Duplex

My friend Martin “Curly” Laza made for me new display for Jeti Duplex. Legibility is far better than original JetiBox; see picture bellow. Also weight 12g is very pleasing. I have plan for specific use, stay tuned.