F3B WCH Jeseník

9.8.2019 Friday

Czech F3B Team. From left Pavel Marek, Ondra Schreiber, Jiří Tůma, Jan Thienel, Jan Kohout, Roman Vojtěch, Michal Behenský a Petr Fusek

Big congratulation to Andreas Bohlen, Frank Thomas and Thomas Kubler. Big congratulation to Swiss, Austrian and German teams. That’s the end of Jesenik 2019 F3B WCH story.


F3B WCH 2019 Jeseník (4.8.2019) aka Before


Initial ceremony after strong rain

Jesenik-WorldCUP-2019 Final Results (tent is slowly sinking in thunderstorm water-smile)

1ABC 2AB, now final speed in reverse order

1ABC 2A, storm is comming…

F3B WorldChampionship 2019 starting list


F3B WCH 2019 Bulletin

Jan Stonavský and his crew published 1-st Bulletin of F3B WCH 2019
