Roman Vojtěch | June 24, 2022 |
F3G |

(Closed) |
28-th August 2022
Forecast for coming weekend was no too optimistic. Fortunately it was not so bad at the end. In night Friday/Saturday there was strong thunderstorm, but Saturday was nice hot day as usually this summer. In total 19 pilots from Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Poland met nearby Ústí nad Orlicí.
Our plan was to fly speed and distance (at least 3 rounds) during Saturday. Sunday to complete all rounds with Duration. We spare time (changing ballast on models etc.) and spare money for base judges (we use them only one day). This was always working scenario on all contests this year here in Czechia (four f3g contests). For the first time this plan partly failed due to bad weather in Sunday, low clouds (about 200-230m). I evaluated flying in clouds as dangerous so we closed contest after 3 distances, 3 speeds and 1 duration.
Big aplause belongs to Austrian pilots G.Aichholzer, W.Hirt and F.Leeb. They keep podium. Our P.Fusek made one mistake in first speed and that was lethal for him. Anyhow he became Czech F3G Champion for year 2022. Big respect to all winners and also to all pilots for friendly atmosphere during whole contest.
Thanks to Czech Modelers Association for support.

Results MCR_Jehnedi_2022_Total
Big thx to Zdeněk Kubín and Jiří Trojan for pictures.
25-th August 2022
Dear F3G fellows,
due to number of pilots checked-in I can offer you only limited team protection. In principle our philosophy is that everybody is ready to help anybody. It was always working so far. For czech pilots there is no team protection at all.
MCR F3G 2022 starting list
10-th August 2022
For all who are interested in accomodation nearby airfield, there are some possibilities:
24-th May 2022
We would like to invite you to 1-st F3G Czech Championship. Date is 27.-28. August 2022, Jehnědí. Announcement Jehnedi F3G 2022. With any questions, comments contact Roman Vojtech. You can also register at MFSD

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