It’s not easy this year with F3B contests, isn’t it. Anyhow, I’d like to invite you to Czech F3B Championship 2020. You are welcome! Contest is not part of FAI CIAM F3B World Cup. Instructions (PDF).
It’s not easy this year with F3B contests, isn’t it. Anyhow, I’d like to invite you to Czech F3B Championship 2020. You are welcome! Contest is not part of FAI CIAM F3B World Cup. Instructions (PDF). 9.8.2019 Friday Czech F3B Team. From left Pavel Marek, Ondra Schreiber, Jiří Tůma, Jan Thienel, Jan Kohout, Roman Vojtěch, Michal Behenský a Petr Fusek Big congratulation to Andreas Bohlen, Frank Thomas and Thomas Kubler. Big congratulation to Swiss, Austrian and German teams. That’s the end of Jesenik 2019 F3B WCH story. [continue] 4.8.2019 Initial ceremony after strong rain Jesenik-WorldCUP-2019 Final Results (tent is slowly sinking in thunderstorm water-smile) 1ABC 2AB, now final speed in reverse order 1ABC 2A, storm is comming… Jan Stonavský and his crew published 1-st Bulletin of F3B WCH 2019 Due to unsuficient number of registered and paid pilots, Jan Stonavský decided to cancel this year F3B Cup Brno (Jesenik). Nice first F3B contest in this year season. For me a bit extreme temperatures (night in sleeping bag -3°C, day 28°C) after this year bloody winter, but all in all OK. Efective cooperation with Belgium-France buddies, thanks. Big merci beaucoup to family Krust and theirs melody boys. Results at
Czech Republic is going to officially place a bid for F3B World Championship 2019. Let’s see. F3B for ever! |
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