I can’t remember when I dressed so many layers on me. There were far more colder and windy days this damned winter, but I was never more than 48 hours on airfield.
Anyhow we survived and we enjoyed nice contest. It was said several times and on many places that big thanks belongs to family Krust. Yes they deserve compliments, but I’d like to pinpoint precision and reliability of base referees on Distance. I was really surprised, well done. …and now just only short remarks.
- Winduguru forecast was quite precise (see bellow). Wind conditions were nearly ideal. 3-7m/s mostly constant direction (N, NNE). Nearly no sunshine, sparse thermals. Flying 3 complete rounds.
- I was flying new prototype wing from VVmodel. So far on old Stinger fuselage. I have it two weeks (20 launches?) and it’s still very raw. On the other hand I’m quite sure that Distance performance is big surprise for me, hopefully I’m not wrong. Duration is also very good but this is nothing new with models of Vaclav Vojtisek. Speed and Launch performance? Mmmm give me some time.
- I was flying with GPS logger. Some data are worth analysing. Many are useless especially when speed rises above 25m/s and you start tight turns (Distance).
- Also for the first time on F3B contest flying Jeti DC-16 transmitter. I like it!
- Talking to Michael Seyfang about F3B Kirchheim Open 2013. Still more than 10 cm of snow on airfield. Take care and see you there in three weeks.
- Results

Want to spare 70 gramms? If you are courageous enough just use aramid/kevlar threads. Gunther Aichholzer’s Extasy.
Written April 3 (bellow)
This weekend we start F3B WorldCup here in Europe, France, Colmar. Winter was at least here (Czech Republic) really boring this year. So far I have not even one measured speed since F3B Munich, pfffff… Snow and ice always everywhere. When watching forecast for Colmar and temperatures above 5°C (40°F) it will be lovely hot weather there. Looking forward to see you in Colmar (webcamera).
I’m really waiting for your reports from the contest Roman. I wish you a great succes.