Seems to me time before F3B World Championship is running faster and faster. Some last informations which you can find useful before heading to China.
- Official forwarder and shipping manual of F3B 2011
PDFand XLS (you will find it also at official F3B WC 2011 website) - New shipping manual, there is different consignee address PDF (refreshed Aug.25)
- I will try to manage, that you will have also phone number to your dedicated English/Chinese speaking team assistant, you should use it preferably
- I should be in Laiwu starting September 13, my Chinese mobile number is +(86)18210354275, use only in emergency
- Contest site should be ready for official training incl. referees (Distance, Speed) starting Saturday September 17
Pleasant, trouble free journey and see you in Laiwu
Hello Roman,
Sorry to come back with questions (again)
The official forwarder and shipping manual is perfectly unclear for us …
Should we (mandatory) use this company or not ? We already negociated air transportation with UPS from home to previously given delivery adress …
Now its seems that the adress has changed and that Shenker could manage custom and transfer from the new adress to the contest area … not clear if chinese guys have negociated this part (for free?). In this case, we have to negociate with UPS to remove the arrival part of their job ?
Shenker also give some pricing elements and local contacts. Should we imagine that Shenker will give a better price and be in the position to manage from home to final destination (we will ask them tomorrow; they are unavaillable today).
So we will contact Shenker in France and see what they say
And we keep our plans with UPS until we are sure or final answers. Anyway in this case, its important for us to know the destination adress for UPS (1: the old one and UPS manages everything including custom or 2 : the new one and UPS manages the custom and Shenker the final transportation or 3 : the new one and UPS manages only France to China and Shenker manages custom and final delivery)
Sorry for questions but these recent transportation news are quite late and we are very happy you published it because I didn’t log on China’s website due to the fact it moves too rarely.
Chinese organizer should at least send e-mails to Team managers when something new append !
We still have time but it becomes touchy (we expected to send our winches and plane end of next week)
Hope we will get quick and clear answers from organisers asap.
Hi Sylvain,
sorry for troubles. Tomorrow morning I will try to find out, what’s going on.
You are correct, it’s messy. Me personally, I would do same steps which you mentioned. I would even ask UPS to offer better price if Schenker is more competitive (joke?) or vice versa.
Don’t worry to send your stuff to formerly mentioned address (Zhou Kai), he is reliable man.
Same issue here in Hong KOng. Originally thought that shipping cost can be cheaper due to geographic location, in fact it is NOT. While the equipment is actually 180 kg and 2.3 cubic meter, I will be charged at 384 volumetric weigh…. Besides, the cost elements are mainly fixed china inland handling instead of the “international freight”….
Here is the answer from Yiwen, hopefuly it’s now clear:
First of all, sorry for all these mess.
Schenker is the company we work together, the main task for this company is to clear the custom when the equipments are arrived. How ever, Schenker could provide transport also, teams who do not having an appointed transport company, they may choose to work with Schenker, that’s all. If you had already contact with some company (UPS in your case) please ignore the transportation service they provide.
I sent my two winches + equipment as per instructions on Tuesday 16th August.( I requested from organisers prefered freight company/ broker/ special customs paper work etc about 6 weeks ago and was told only that any duities or charges will be paid by Chinese side , no mention of Schenker )The equipment has been held in customs at Qingdao Airport since Friday 19th August.They were sent with DHL Express and I paid for a door to door service after being told any duties payable would be met by the Chinese. ( The value was always going to be over the personal items threshold and import duties payable )DHL can not deliver or customs clear them as duties are payable.
Yiwen passed the DHL Waybill over to Schenker who have been very helpful in both China and Austraia.
At this stage I am confident it will be resolved 🙂
Best Regards
Hi Guys, here is a copy of an email from Kenneth Cao from Schenker China to Schenker Australia. As you can see I think it is under control and their response has been fast and also fair.
Best Regards
I also spoke with Tim Kullack about his shipment by DHL.
His shipment has already arrived at Qingdao airport on Aug.19. I called DHL local office about the delivery and clearance service. They replied that can not deliver shipment to Laiwu, which is the venue and about 300 km away from Qingdao airport. Due to the value of shipment is USD1,600, over RMB5,000, it must be cleared from customs and pay the duty/VAT.
I discussed with Laiwu customs officer about the bond transit procedure. They can apply the customs bond truck from Qingdao airport to Laiwu venue, and then clear shipment under temporary import & export terms to avoid the duty and other tax issues. I also inform customs officer about the storage period (14 days) of DHL. They suggested to wait for some other teams’ shipment which also send to Qingdao airport, and then transport to Laiwu together
Hello Tim,
Can you please clarify if you have paid the chinese duties or just the inland delivery services fee? In short, who will bear what part of the custom, freight,delivery charges? As I was told by Cao that each team bears its own charges and duties.
Hi Johnson,
I paid for only the inland delivery services ie delivered to Laiwu, through DHL.
Maybe I will be required to pay extra now or maybe I have not understood correctly.
I will keep you informed.
Below is the what I was told by the Chinese organisers when I asked questions in early July.
Best Regards
Hello Tim.
Finally got a answer from the custom.
All you have to provide us is : 1. what are the items with in the package.
2. what it is used for?
3. How long it will stay in China.
4. Where it goes to.
and the custom clear cost is on our side.
Sorry for the late reply and Thank you, Hope this would help you.