Early Good Morning from Xueye Lake Hotel. I have total Jetlag. Getting up everyday at 3:00 AM. I can’t sleep. Excellent Chinese tea (mostly green one) keeps me on legs during days.
Yesterday we spent whole day solving contest site location. I rejected original place and I was offered alternative one. Running around with my Garmin GPS, taking coordinates from tracklog, making drawings, trying to avoid all (?) potential issues.
Afternoon four hour meeting with local delegation of about 10 people. Together with Yiwen.Niu and Lu.Zheng trying to convince them why we want contest site on new place and how it should look like. Believe me, tough job. Funny, there is more or less no output from this meeting. Hierarchy here is a bit puzzle for me. Different culture.
Today leaving Laiwu and going via Jinan to Beijing. I will meet there Lei.Wang, Chinese CIAM/FAI delegate.
Lu.Zheng made during this night nice preliminary drawing of contest site (thanks Lu). After meeting Lei in Beijing I can report GPS location and many other comments. Everything depends on that last key meeting.