9.8.2019 Friday
Czech F3B Team. From left Pavel Marek, Ondra Schreiber, Jiří Tůma, Jan Thienel, Jan Kohout, Roman Vojtěch, Michal Behenský a Petr Fusek
Big congratulation to Andreas Bohlen, Frank Thomas and Thomas Kubler. Big congratulation to Swiss, Austrian and German teams. That’s the end of Jesenik 2019 F3B WCH story.
Jesenik-WCh-2019 Final Results
Good morning F3B fellows. Day of Judgment is here! Doesn’t matter if you look at singles or team ranking list, everything is tight and today will be no mercy struggle. But please, still in fair play mood.
Yesterday Czech team organized funny foamie World Championship. OK, there were also few beers available. Hopefully all contestants and also supporting staff had a lot of fun. We also got two boxes of exellent Czech gingerbread donated by Zdeněk Ješina Models.
Stay tuned…
8.8.2019 Thursday
Today we will finish 6-th Round and at the airfield will be held Big Foamie Contest. 1-st Prize is 30 liter of excellent Czech beer keg. Everybody can join us, you are wellcome.
World Championship will be closed after 7-th complete round tomorrow (Friday)
Yesterday late afternoon we had technical meeting. There were still some “echoes” from “winch case”. Endless discussion whether Martin should have annulled (zeroed) flight score or keep his 1000p. About -1000p penalty, there is no discussion.
When you read paragraph, especially first sentence Cancellation of a Flight and Disqualification
a) Unless otherwise specified a flight in progress will be annulled for an infraction of any rule. In the case of intentional or flagrant violation of the rules, in the judgement of the Contest Director, the competitor may be disqualified.
not only in my opinion, it’s clear his flight should be zero. He reached his result by rule infridgement. Wast majority of pilots and team managers have same opinion. There is also problem that “thanks” to his infraction of rule other pilots score, in affected duration task, was hindered (score calculated from Martin’s 1000). So, pilots keeping theirs winches at 24 miliohms have also “penalty”. Weird, isn’t it?!
Jury have different opinion; he will keep his flight score. It’s not for the first time when I deeply disagree with jury decision. So, we as Czech team gave up filling a protest, although nearly every TM not only from affected duration group would join us. It would be just wasting of time, energy…
BTW, just read carefully text of German team protest.
“Therefore it is protested against zero score and penalty points”
Looks like they were aware they will/can get zero score. It’s not easy for me to say as far as I remember at every F3B Worlds was some German issue. Could somebody explain me why? Such statement hurts especially in case of effectively innocent Martin and many other excellent German guys…
7.8.2019 Wednesday
German protest was rejected.
It’s early morning, strong shower is beating our roof at airfield. Jesenik has no electricity.
6.8.2019 Tuesday
Duration Round 4 Group 3 and game is over for today
German team layed down protest. Jury is solving matter more than one, two, three, … hours
Looks like Martin Weberschock (GER) didn’t pass winch test after his brilliant duration. Hmmm…
Good moorning F3B fellows, we will finish Distance 2B and …
5.8.2019 Monday
2A 1ABC+2A
It’s monday morning. Weather forecast is not bad but after last few days experience who can believe it? Mostly W wind (90deg. to winch lines, usual here), temperatures about 25°C.
Yesterday after initial ceremony we had TM meeting. Besides we agreed safety zones and landing area. On duration pilots have to land up 100m from his landing spot otherwise there is penalty -100p. Let’s go…
My personal suggestion for the winch penalty situation: If pilots feel strongly that Martin had a critical launch advantage in that round, then it would be best to refly that group while keeping Martin’s 1000 pt penalty.
The rules are not clear about double penalty (I have never seen a double penalty being issued) or what to do with other competitors in a group with rule infringement.
Reflight would be the best solution for everybody, without penalizing Martin more harshly than the intent of the rules are nor giving him an advantage in his flight.
Good idea Reto,
matter is gone. Maybe next time.
…btw, talking to Chairman of FAI CIAM RC soaring committee, Tomas Bartovsky. They wouldn’t accept reflight of affected duration task.