Some of you just became happy VV Model Stinger owners. I have few hints when setting up this blazing fast F3X toy. I fly Stingers more than year.

Wiring diagram. I use this system since ever in my F3X toys. It's simple, light, space saving and reliable.
- I fly CG about 95mm. Empty flying weight of my two Stingers is about 1950g. Hook TE 95mm.
- Reaching this CG you will need about 120-130g lead in nose.
- Be careful, when full ballasted (+1600g lead) and you want to keep same CG (95mm) or one would like to have even more rear CG for speed tasks, you will need to remove minimum 60-70g from nose.
- Full ballasted equals full joiner+2 wing chambers.
- Bellow you will find some other pictures
Hi Roman,
What is your launch flap settings on this model? The manual says 14mm. Seems a lot for the middle phase of the launch. The speed settings say 0.5mm of flaps – i guess the model has little camber in the wing?
Hi Tom,
I changed “a little bit” my launch setup. I recommend hook TE 107, wing TE 14-15mm and elevator -1.8mm. Actually I was flying hook TE 108, but seems to me it’s too on the edge. I will come back to 107 and there will be space for elevator work during launch. Today I fly CG 97.
As regards reflex; I try to fly -1mm for zoom and speed (…and some distance conditions). XFLR says -1.5mm is too much. Thanks to my wing TE slop don’t ask me what’s position of TE during flight. I just hope it’s somewhere near -1mm.
Hi Roman,
Thanks, I will bear this in mind and start to move back towards 107 with the tow hook.
I hope the model is a good launcher 🙂
Hi Tom,
go on and let me know about your opinion.
Hi Roman,
Where do you measure 107mm from? The leading edge of the wing? This would put the tow hook in the back of the slot. 107 from the nose cone edge is in front of the slot.
Hi Tom,
sure, measured from wing LE. I had to mill longer slot and move hook screw. Seems to me todays Stingers are already produced to have hook TE close to 107mm.