Florida and Milang 2012

F3B is flown not only in Europe. Next season can start for you already at the end of February in warm & cozy Florida, USA or in the middle of March in hot Milang, Australia. Check websites dedicated to these events.

Gator by Gordon Buckland (Invitation letter PDF) and Milang by F3B Australia (LSF Australia or F3B Australia Facebook).

1 comment to Florida and Milang 2012

  • I can’t wait to get to Florida this March. We are very fortunate to have such a quality CD with so much experience joining us. Thank you roman for making the trip. I hope we get a lot of European and South American interest for flying the event. The site is a fantastic venue for F3b, with large expanses for great distance battles, and a cheap but high quality food and lodging as well as transportation. It is also a terrific destination for family travels as it is about a half hour from Orlando Florida, home to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, and only 10 miles from Kennedy Space Center.

    See you all in March,