F3B WC Update #10

Good morning. Prague-Frankfurt-Beijing-Jinan-Laiwu. After nearly 36hours of travelling finally after midnight at Xinbai Grand Hotel in Laiwu. Fog and heavy rain. Today meeting with Yiwen, Lu and going to contest site.


2 comments to F3B WC Update #10

  • Johnson Yeung

    Good evening Roman,
    Welcome to China and it is much appreciated that you can lead us a preview of the city. Friends from Europe would probably know more from you the progress of the arrangment , as well as some new perspective of China before standing on it in September.
    Enjoy your stay.
    F3B Team Hong Kong

  • Hi Johnson,
    thanks for welcome. Lots of things to clarify. Today morning we have another meeting with local oficials and I’m curious what will come. Originaly offered contest site I can hardly recommend. It was boring suprise for me. Seems to me time schedule for whole event is getting tough.