Always looking forward to Lunen Friday, when comming after bloody long journey and finding Peter standing behind bier tap. Also meeting old friends is pleasant. Peter Hubbertz and his friends made nice, smooth and fast running competiton. We had even good luck with weather; no rain. Should be smooth if more than 80 pilots from whole world is presented.
After some time I was flying Dingo Double Carbon RDS and I was happy with performance of model. Nowadays F3B is flying distance with min. 3000g model (90% cases) and min. 3500g for speed (90% cases); no more other options if you want to compete. Not to mention duration; it’s just compulsory task. Now only find the way how to reach suficient altitude. So easy, isn’t it?!
Speed Knock Out; nice and instructive show. Looking forward for next year. This was my last F3B competition this year, good luck. Results and other info at