It’s quite long trip from Prague to Binningen, at least at Central European standards (7 hours one way). Weather forecast was a bit unsure but reality was even worse.
When we came Friday to airfield just after winch setup really heavy rain started. We had big pools in tent and also on airfiled until Sunday and another strong rain was accompanying us on the way back to Prague. Some cars had to be pulled by tractor from airfield when leaving Sunday afternoon.
Wind and weather conditions where a bit tricky; mostly variable or very light wind (Saturday) and in Sunday final speed in rain-for somebody.
For many top pilots this event was carnage. I don’t know if order is correct or even complete, but…
Andreas Boehlen-crashed model on speed-zero
Martin Herrig-damaged model after speed relaunch (mistake of helper when trying to catch the model)-zero
Jiri Baudis-drown model on distance (yes, some model were landing in stream which is just few meters from landing path)-zero in next task (it was reasonable from Jiri not to fly completely sunken model)
Daniele Amici-troubles with wing/fuse connector-zero
At least one models totally damaged after water landing and following launch, bugger!
Should I continue?
Anyhow for me contest was OK, I brought home complete and ready to fly my Pike and that’s enough (smiling). When watching my duration logs I found a bit unexpected experience. Late afternoon Saturday Duration on sink about -0,5m/s and Sunday morning Duration -0,25m/s. My experience says it’s usually vice versa, but Binningen is really hard core lesson (wink)

Duration; Green line-Saturday late afternoon, Red line-Sunday morning
I’d like to express big thanks to Rudi Schaub and his orchestra. They were in complicated position but always doing the best. It’s question if F3B Binningen will be held next year (officials shortage)
Take care and see you this weekend nearby Mlada Boleslav.